Nate is already 4 months! He is getting so big and strong and he is always on the go! He does not stay still at all! I miss cuddling with him sometimes, but it is so fun watching him discover the new things he can do! He had his 4 month doctors appointment monday and he weighed 14 lbs 4 ozs and is 25.5 inches long. I had nate on the table in the doctors office and he had pushed himself up into the crawling postion right when the doctor walked in and he was really impressed! He said i could for sure start him on baby food! Nate was being his squirmy self and the doctor said i better keep my eye on him because he is going to be into everything pretty soon! I decided to start nate off on rice ceral even though the doctor said i could go straight to the baby food fruit and veges. He likes it pretty well. I think next week i will let him try some peaches or pears:) Nate has been able to roll from his stomach to his back for awhile, but today he rolled from his back to his stomach all by himself! He has done it like 5 times already. I think he could keep rolling, but he stops when he is on his stomach his pushes himself up into the crawling postion. He loves being like that. He actually moved his knee forward today and i happened to catch it on video so i will post that. I saw some pictures of Laura Smiths boys hanging in her house when we were playing bunco last week and i thought they were so cute, so i took some of nate. He is nude, but you cant see any private parts so dont worry :) i didnt have a black sheet so i had to use i blue blanket so that kinda sucks, but i think i got some cute ones. i cant decide which one to blow up and hang in my house. I took them in color and switched them over to black and white to, but i think i like a lot of them in color better. Let me know what you guys think and which one i should hang up! I will post a slideshow of them.
Oh and some other good news i found out sister is having a girl!! woo hoo!!
My photo shoot of nate
Nate wanting to crawl
Ward Family Valentine's Dance
2 weeks ago
Just a word of advice, don't feed him fruit first! Always start with the vegetables because who's gonna want peas and carrots after yummy peaches and pears :) I made this mistake with my first one and I'm still paying for it.
wow! I'm impressed! I' some what excited for when Parks starts to crawl. :D
The thing Jake sits in is called a Bumbo, I got ours at Target but I've seen them at Babies are us too. They are around 30 bucks and you can even buy a little tray to attach on for when they get older! I love it, its helped Jake hold up his head really good and its easier to feed him in!
I agree with Jayme, you have to start with vegetables first!! :)
I cannot believe he is almost crawling, that is crazy! Mom told me that on the phone and said you put a video on your blog and I just had to see it to believe it! Any day now he's going to be all over the place. I miss him like crazy give him a kiss for me!
WoW! Alisa you are in trouble, he has amazed me with his strength since he was born. I can't believe he is actually starting to try to crawl already. Good luck with that. You know how busy Josie is, and she didn't crawl until 6 months...I love the pics you took. They look professional. And I couldn't tell that the sheet was blue, way to go, Nate is so photogenic!
Hey there women!
Time flies :) before I knew it Kassidee and Maddison turned 8 and 5 years old........ It's crazy that they were just newborns! My girls love to cuddle still, they just a little bigger now to hold.. LOL
Lunch was fun, so bummed we missed you! Melissa looks awesome pregnant. You know she is having a boy! YEAH....
I hope you can come next time we plan lunch. I'll for sure let you know.
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