Last night skyler had his first football game of the season. They played Central Washington here in St. George and lost in overtime 44-38. Central Washington was ranked 11th in the nation for division 2 football, so Dixie was the major under dog and nobody thought there was any hope that we would be able to hang with them. It was a really exciting and fun game! Dixie played so well and for sure showed everyone that they are all about business and getting the job done! They came so close to winning and proved that they are a better team this year! Nate and I are so proud of Skyler! He did an amazing job! He scored a touchdown and was the leading receiver with 7 catches for 114 yards! We love to watch him play and cant wait for next weeks game against Western New Mexico! I wanted to get a picture of nate and skyler or all 3 of us at the game, but once the game was over skyler could not find me and went and changed before i could get one. I guess i will just have to wait until next week :) Here is the link to the article on the game and skylers picture catching the ball which made the front cover of the sports section in the newspaper!
We started feeding Nate rice ceral last week and he likes it pretty well. He is so impatient while eating it though! He hates that it takes so long for us to get another spoonful of food into his mouth. When he is breastfeeding or eating from a bottle there is a constant flow of food, so he does not understand why there is a pause when eating now. Since monday i have been feeding him carrots, which he seems to like a lot! I went and bought a bumbo yesterday for him to sit in when he eats and plays, but he does not like it! At first i thought he did when he was playing because he was all smiles, but a few minutes later that was not the case. He kept trying to push himself out of it! He is just always on the go and does not like to sit for more than a minute. I am afraid he will never learn how to sit because he much rather be rolling around or trying to crawl. I have a feeling he will be crawling before he learns how to sit! The bumbo was also a different color then what i thought and skyler freaked out because it was purple (on the box it says the actual color is green) so he said i have to return it and get a different color. I think i am just going to return it and buy a regular high chair. The bumbo is a great idea and i think i would love it if i had a baby that was not so active. Nate is to squirmy for something like that. I was going to buy the tray that goes with it so i could keep him locked in it while i feed him, but i heard that they are pretty easy to kick off and nate has super strong legs so i know that would not last long
Nate is already 4 months! He is getting so big and strong and he is always on the go! He does not stay still at all! I miss cuddling with him sometimes, but it is so fun watching him discover the new things he can do! He had his 4 month doctors appointment monday and he weighed 14 lbs 4 ozs and is 25.5 inches long. I had nate on the table in the doctors office and he had pushed himself up into the crawling postion right when the doctor walked in and he was really impressed! He said i could for sure start him on baby food! Nate was being his squirmy self and the doctor said i better keep my eye on him because he is going to be into everything pretty soon! I decided to start nate off on rice ceral even though the doctor said i could go straight to the baby food fruit and veges. He likes it pretty well. I think next week i will let him try some peaches or pears:) Nate has been able to roll from his stomach to his back for awhile, but today he rolled from his back to his stomach all by himself! He has done it like 5 times already. I think he could keep rolling, but he stops when he is on his stomach his pushes himself up into the crawling postion. He loves being like that. He actually moved his knee forward today and i happened to catch it on video so i will post that. I saw some pictures of Laura Smiths boys hanging in her house when we were playing bunco last week and i thought they were so cute, so i took some of nate. He is nude, but you cant see any private parts so dont worry :) i didnt have a black sheet so i had to use i blue blanket so that kinda sucks, but i think i got some cute ones. i cant decide which one to blow up and hang in my house. I took them in color and switched them over to black and white to, but i think i like a lot of them in color better. Let me know what you guys think and which one i should hang up! I will post a slideshow of them.
Oh and some other good news i found out sister is having a girl!! woo hoo!!
Last week my sister, nate, and I went swimming over at my parents house and it was the first time the nate has actually enjoyed being in the water. He has always loved taking baths, but everytime i tried to take him swimming or put him in any water other then his bath he has started crying. So i took some pictures. His eyes are squinted in most of them because it was really bright outside.
Playing with Payden while i got my swim suit on I love this picture of him...its to bad its such a bad picture of me Loving playing in the float After we got done swimming he took a nap and when he woke up he was smiling like crazy
So i have to take a few minutes and brag about how wonderful my husband is. Last night we went to the mall so we could get a shield cover thing on my husbands phone and i wanted to look in JC Penney for some baby clothes while he was getting that done. Well after i was done i went to find my husband and i couldnt find him anywhere and i called his phone and was getting frustrated that he wasnt answering. A couple minutes later he calls me on his friends phone and asked where i was and i told him i had been looking for him and he said they were in foot locker. So i go to foot locker and i am about ready to ask why he had not answered my phone call when i notice he is holding a bag from hollister. I asked him what he bought and he handed me the bag and inside was a way cute shirt for me! I was shocked and so excited! So thanks babe you made my night and i love the shirt!! You are the best and i am so lucky to have you in my life!