He is the expert at climbing out of his crib! Every time I tell people this they are amazed and ask how he does it. Well I managed to capture it on video! He does it almost every time we go to lay him down. At first it wasn't to bad because he couldnt open his bedroom door and he would only climb out at nap time, but after about a week he figured out how to open the door and master climbing out even when it was dark in his room! He is one determined little boy! About 2 weeks ago we did out nightly routine with him and laid him down for bed. Skyler and I were just out talking in the kitchen and all of a sudden we hear nates door open! I was like "Nate, that better not be you coming out of your room!" We heard the door shut and he didnt make a peep! Ha ha! I went in there because I knew he would not be able to climb back in his crib and I was like "nate what are you doing...its nigh night time." He walked back over to his crib and stuck his hands up for me to stick him back in because he knew he was in trouble! Now every time he tries to open the door I say "nate, that better not be you coming out!" He shuts the door and just plays with his toys until he falls asleep on the ground.
We have finally decided its time to put him in a "big boy bed." I have been dreading this day, but now that he treats his crib like a bed I dont think its going to be a big ordeal to switch him over. Skyler's grandma has an extra twin bed she said we could have, so sometime this week we will go get that and make the switch. I am also dreading making the switch because I cant believe he is already old enough to be in a "big boy bed." Isnt he just a baby still!! It makes me sad to see him growing up so fast, but it is a lot of fun too! I love that I can be a stay at home mom with him! There is no greater job in the world!
that video portrays him perfectly! I love that kid! I totally feel your pain, but that's hilarious. I watched it over and over just laughing at my favorite NATER! And I can't stop laughing about what you said to him and him shutting the door. That's hilarious!
I forgot to say how much he looks like Tarzan when he does that. haha good luck!
Ha that video is ADORABLE!!! I love how he kind of skips after he gets out!! TOOOOO CUTE!
Hahaha what a little stinker! I love that you caught it on video :) You're so sneaky!
I feel you pain girl! Jake picked moving week to start climbing out of his crib. He actually got used to a big boy bed pretty quick. I think since Nate sleeps on the floor ok he will be just fine!
haha! That video is so freakin cute! I love it. He is growing up so fast! We miss you guys so much!!
Such a scamperdoo just like his mother! hahaha!!! LOVE it!
I hope you have better luck with the transition than we did! It's still a rare occasion that Caleb actually sleeps through the night without coming into our room (and it's been over 2 months!). Caleb has always been a tough sleeper though.
LOVE that you caught that on tape! I was laughing so hard, he just makes it look so easy! What a cutie! I'm excited to see pictures of him in his new bed!
yep! looks like he is definitely ready for a big boy bed!! I was surprised how easy the transition was for us. i bet it will be like that for you too...he'll love his bed. we do have to lock lincoln in his room though or he'll just keep coming out now that he's mastered opening the door. good luck!!!
=O Are you for reals?! When you told me he did that I couldn't imagine how without falling; kid is amazing!!!! Just holds on! Wow--that was inspirational. Come 'er Porter! You got some skills to learn... =P Cute Nate!
That is so hilarious! I just died as he climbs right out of that crib like it is nothin! Hoe cute! He is getting so big!
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