I cant believe it...my baby is 10 months old today! He is cuter than ever and I just cant express how much of a joy it is to have him as my son! I couldnt have asked for a better baby! He is hardly a baby anymore though! He walks around like he owns the place everywhere we go and no one can believe that he was 9 months old and walking like a pro! He has been able to pull himself up on something and walk off to where ever he wants to for a month now, but just this last weekend he can stand up without holding on to anything and walk away. His favorite thing is picking up a basketball or any kind of big ball and walking off with it. Its so funny to see him carry it since it is pretty much a big as he is! He is so strong! He can be walking and bend down to pick something up and then start walking again with it in his hands! He has grown up to fast on me! As I watch him play I feel like I am watching a little toddler! He sure does wish he could be one! He is starting to be mr. independent! He usually will hold my hand when we are walking somewhere, but now if I try to hold his hand he yanks his hand out of mine like I can do it by myself mom! He likes to feed himself but I dont let him when he is eating something from a spoon becasue he gets it everywhere! He loves to eat!! He can eat as much as an adult...no joke! My sister-in-law bought his cousin an Arby's melt, but she didnt want it and so she said Nate could have it because they were just going to throw it away. He ate the whole thing and was mad when it was all gone! Plus he had a ton a puffs and just before he ate the sandwhich he had a 6oz bottle! He can eat a whole slice of pizza and still be starving. It is so funny! It is a good thing he is so active otherwise I would have an extremely obese baby! He loves helping me push the laundry basket to the laundry room...he is such a good helper! He loves to go and watch his dad play sports!I just started going to the gym again about 2 weeks ago and he loves going and playing in the gym's daycare with all the kids while I am working out! He never wants to leave! He is the most determined baby I know! We finally gave him his first hair cut and it looks super cute! His Grandma Ence gave it to him. He was scared of the scissors, but loved the clippers...which I thought was really weird! We gave him a lollipop to suck on and he really liked that! It was a rainbow colored one so his face was blue and green when we were done. My camera died after taking 2 pictures of him getting his haircut and then I went to go grab my mother-in-laws and hers was dead too! We found an old one that worked, but it didnt take the best pictures so I didnt get great pictures, but they are good enough :)
Watching Grandma getting things ready for his haircut

The first snip

Right after the first cut he turns around to see what is going on!

He realizes what is going on and does not like it!

Then we switched from scissors to clippers and he is hesitant to let us try

He is thinking ok this isnt so bad

Going back to enjoy his lollipop

The finished product!

Nate watching his dad play flag football

Playing with his cousin at the game

Nate and Josie playing with uncle blake (i know he is wearing one mitten and one sock on his hands...it was cold and it was all i had :)


Nate and Dad after the game