The big 3 month old boy
Training him to hold and sleep with a footballNate loves his big boy crib
Ward Family Valentine's Dance
2 weeks ago
The big 3 month old boy
Training him to hold and sleep with a footballNate loves his big boy crib
That's a big step for mom! Good for you. You will both sleep better now, but I remember for the first couple nights I had to wake up and just go in there to watch her sleep. It gets easier, and now I can't wait to put her there, because it means mommy time!
Hey there girly -
Big Boy Crib is HUGE in baby world..... I remember when I put my girls in their big crib, it was sad for me to break that close bond, but had to start their independence!
Did you get the girls E-vite for their birthday parties? I sent it to your email, I decided to do this instead of mailing them.. Let me know I'd love to have you and see little man ....... it's July 19th at the Sienna Hills Park (off washington parkway exit)
oh man I can't wait to be settled in a house and put Jake in his crib. I'm totally ready to reclaim my bedroom! Good for you!
Cute crib and bedding. Congrats Nate on being such a big boy!
Jocelyn never slept in our room. Katelyn did for awhile, but then she started sucking her thumb... and she doesn't form a good suction... so I had to kick her out because I couldn't sleep through it. She's 4 and still does it! Then Calvin was in our room for a long time. Maybe 4 months. Jared decided to kick him out because the bedroom was only big enough for one man, I guess. Tess never stayed in my room... but she has a portable mini crib... so we just wheeled it into the living room for the first 3 weeks or so. Mainly so that she wouldn't wake up her big brother (who she rooms with) when she cried at night. Now she sleeps from 10pm - 8:30am so it isn't a problem!
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