This past week we went on vacation with skyler's family and we had a blast! We spent the first 3 days at Lake Powell and then Wednesday we went to the north rim of the Grand Canyon and then we went to the cabin thursday through saturday. I was trying to figure out how to do a slideshow of pictures, but for some reason my computer wont let me. I took hundreds of pictures so here are some of my favorite! I dont have much time to write in detail about the trip, but the pictures will show the fun we had!
Nate turned 3 months last tuesday and he was out growing his cradle that is in our room, so we decided for his 3 month birthday we would move him into his nursery. He has done really good about moving into his own room, however it has been hard for me! I miss seeing him in our room! I always glanced over at him sleeping peacefully before I went to bed every night, but now he is not in there to look at. He moves a ton in his sleep, so I do sleep better now that I dont hear every movement he makes.
The big 3 month old boy Training him to hold and sleep with a football Nate loves his big boy crib
Yes i realize i am a little late on this post because the 4th of july was about a week ago, but i have been sick ever since we got home. We went up to the cabin for the 4th of july with skylers family and it was so much fun! We went on a four-wheel ride right when we got there and i didnt think we were going to be gone long so i just went straight from the car onto the four wheeler. Well to sum up what a great mom i am...nate pooped all over himself and i didnt have any diapers or any clothes to change him into! Thank goodness amy was prepared and had an extra diaper for me to put on nate! however he did have to go on the rest of the ride in just a diaper. I dont think he minded though. We went on a ride to see mammoth caves which was really cool. We didnt go through the cave though because it was really dusty and kinda chilly in there and i already felt like a bad mom at that point so skyler, nate, and i stayed at the top while everyone else went in. That night we went to brian head and saw the firework show which was really cool! I love fireworks! Then that sunday was my neices 1st birthday so we stayed at the cabin to celebrate that! She got a ton of fun presents that she loved! I think nate wished it was his birthday so he could join in the fun!
When we got to mammoth cave 2 minutes later...the explosion The naked boy By the cave opening In brian head watching the fireworks The happy birthday girl Skyler all muddy after falling into the pond while dirt biking with his brother The cute birthday cake